June 2020 Release
New Features
NEW! A Fees Log Report has been added for districts' use, however, only LINQ Support or LINQ Admin can create the report of a district's SIS import data. Contact LINQ Support if you would like this report created.
Only LINQ Support and LINQ Admin will have access to the report.
The report will display the following information:
The date and time of the last import.
The import type (manual or auto).
The user who generated the report.
NEW! Users with ProgressBook will now be able integrate with K12PaymentCenter.
The integration is set up by EMS Support or EMS Admins.
The integration can only be applied to Active Districts.
Users will be able to import their fees as Active Fees.
Other Enhancements
Parent Functions
Facebook Authentication
Login Credentials
- Parents can now use their Facebook Credentials to continually log in to K12PaymentCenter.
District Functions
School Fee Setup
- Districts will now be able to view the following information:
- Fee Source: Manual, File Import or SIS Import.
- Username of the user who created the fee.
- Date the fee was created.
District Information
- Districts will no longer have 'Write' access to the District Status field.
- Any changes to this field must be handled by EMS Support or an EMS Admin.
Guest Checkout
School Fees
- The error causing the Convenience Fee to not calculate properly when checking out as a guest has been corrected.
- The error causing a transaction to not register in Meals Plus Point of Sale and subsequently register a negative balance has been corrected.
- The error causing a School Fee payment to not be applied to an account when a Lunch Payment was made at the same time has been corrected.
Import School Fees
- The error causing District Information to ignore the School Fee Access setting has been corrected.
ProgressBook Fees
- The error causing ProgressBook fees to only be associated with the first Active student instead of applying to all Active students has been corrected.
ProgressBook Import
- The error causing the ProgressBook import to not finish importing has been corrected.
K12 Payment Center Releases
©2020 EMS LINQ Inc.
K12 Payment Center Help, 06/2020